Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2nd Week Into it

Last week was a tough one…..after training on Tuesday in Tullamore and Wednesday on the track in Athlone we did a 10K run on Thursday along the canal towards Ballycommon…this was the toughest run we had yet..the surface was uneven and we both were very tired from the previous 2 nights..i was suffering as well from chafing between my legs so the run wasn’t that enjoyable at all…we decided then to take a few days rest and we did nothing on either Friday or Sat and then on Sunday morning we meet up in the harriers with John and the rest of the crew at 8:30 and we did our longest run yet… Ciaran has everything up on his blog so you can see how we got on here

On last week’s blog I was saying that Ciaran and I went to a talk in Athlone organised by Mike Murphy who trains people over on the track each week. The 2 presenters were from the in Dublin - John Foster and Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller. John Fosters talk was about running re-education and the presentation he gave was similar to this one online .He went through a lot of areas such as the different between landing on your Heel when you run vs landing on your forefoot (Heel vs Forefront Strike)..really everyone is different on how they land when they run but he was saying its ok once you you’re somewhere in the middle and not too much in either direction. Lots of other areas are covered in the presentation and well worth looking at.

Andy Franklyn-Miller gave a talk on “Running Injury Myths Exploded” and looked at 6 myths to do with running injuries and he dismissed each of them one by one..One of the Myths was that “Foam Rolling” (I’d never heard of it before but simple explanation from google is : it is a technique that is meant to be effective for many muscles and It is accomplished by rolling the foam roller under each muscle group until a tender area is found, and maintaining pressure on the tender areas (known as trigger points) for 30 to 60 seconds)…anyway he was saying that this technique can't physically get into these areas where its meant to and the rollers are just another gimmick etc caused a good bit of debate afterwards in the Q&A with a few physio’s etc that were there and they disagreed with Andy which I think he enjoyed as he liked a good debate..really what I’m getting in my short time (2 weeks) at this is that different people have different techniques/ideas etc and take the bits that work for you and keep doing them.

The main point I took from the talk from both presenters was that if you need to change your running style for whatever reason….reducing injuries, improve times etc is that …“runners won’t change the way you run…changing your running style will change the way you run”. obviously a good pair of runners is very important but do they alter the way you run or is it just a way of getting you to buy a more expensive pair of runners..i don’t know the answer put I thought it was a different way of lucking at it.. Anyway Mike is hoping to be bring the talk over to Tullamore in the next while and its well worth going to when he does!! Mike is also involved in the Athlone half marathon and he asked us to tell people on our blog about a 12 week training programs he has on their site that you might like to follow.. So if your a first timer or seasoned runner Mike has a training plan to suit your needs.
Also this week we did our first audio blog..until next week hope your enjoying the training for the half marathon..keep it up only 7 weeks left.

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